It's reel season!
Join us on December 12th at 1pm EST for a live demo reel critique with Creative Director, Ryan Summers!
We'll spend a little over an hour taking a look at your reels, giving feedback, and answering your questions. This is an opportunity for personalized feedback you won't want to miss.
Want to have a chance for your reel to be critiqued live? Submit it here!
Don't have a demo reel yet? That's fine too!
You'll learn a lot from watching a variety of different demo reels being critiqued, including tips that you can apply to your own reel.
Attend for free, or donate what you can!
The Gunner School is a registered non-profit organization that runs on donations from our generous community. Our goal is to make animation education accessible, including removing financial barriers to entry.
The workshops that we host are on a "pay what you can, if you can" model. We understand that you might not be able to donate! That's OK, just enter $0 and attend for free! If you can donate, we really appreciate it. Your donations make it possible for us to continue doing cool stuff, like workshops!