Discord Community Guidelines

Our community is built on principles of diversity, inclusion, respect, and professionalism. We expect everyone who participates in our programs, online communities, or other programs to uphold these principles. Below is a list of guidelines for participating in our community.

1. Be helpful. If you have knowledge to share, please share it with others! We all grow together.

2. Respect one another. Keep conversations professional. Our moderators will not tolerate fighting, rude remarks, and bad attitudes.

3. Zero Tolerance for Harassment. Bullying, hazing, and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Please tag @Gunner Staff or @Moderator with anything violating this rule.

4. Share things that excite you. We all look forward to checking out new tools, resources, software, animations, and other things that inspire you.

5. Share your work. Don’t let imposter syndrome get in the way of asking for help, feedback, encouragement, and high-fives.

6. Be curious. Keeping yourself curious is essential to creativity. Make sure you’re experimenting and learning new things.

7. Critique with kindness. We all have areas where we can improve. Be kind to each other when giving feedback.

8. Keep it relevant. Please keep discussions and posts relevant to the channel that they’re in. Posts that don’t follow this rule may be removed.

9. No spam, scams, or advertising. Posting this kind of content may be grounds for removal from the community. Links to conferences or other design-related events are OK. Advertising your own services as a freelancer or motion designer should only be done in designated job search channels. All job postings should stay in designated channels.

Last Update 10/07/2024